Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Rencontre Intime: Religion en Amourette pour la Science?Vatican visits CERN's Big Bang machine THE ASSOCIATED PRESS GENEVA - A senior Vatican delega

Vatican visits CERN's Big Bang machine

GENEVA - A senior Vatican delegation visited the world's biggest nuclear physics laboratory, proclaiming that true faith has no problems with science.

The Roman Catholic Church was represented by Giovanni Cardinal Lajolo, Vatican City's governor, during a tour of the CERN facility and its 27-kilometre proton accelerator this week. It welcomed any breakthroughs physicists could provide on understanding the basis of the universe, and said they would also advance religion.

"The Church never fears the truth of science, because we are convinced that all truth comes from God," Lajolo said Thursday in Geneva. "Science will help our faith to purify itself. And faith at the same time will be able to broaden the horizons of man, who cannot just enclose himself in the horizons of science."

Lajolo spoke a day after visiting the laboratory beneath the Swiss-French border and receiving a crash course in particle physics from Edward Witten, a professor at the School of Natural Sciences at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey, at the forefront of attempts to unify Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity with quantum mechanics.

CERN's atom smasher, the world's largest, is seen as vital in this quest. Physicists hope soon to use the US$10 billion machine to smash protons from hydrogen atoms crash into each other at high energy, record what particles are produced and gain a better idea of the makeup of the universe and everything in it.

Damages in the initial startup last September have set the project back a year and it is expected to be turned on again this autumn. Researchers hope the collisions will show on a tiny scale what happened one-trillionth of a second after the so-called Big Bang, which many scientists theorize was the massive explosion that formed the universe. The theory holds that the universe was rapidly cooling at that stage and matter was changing quickly.

Lajolo said scientific truths could "correct some of our opinions" about scripture and faith. He said nothing in science could contradict the Holy Scriptures - only interpretations - because both were rooted in God.
Copyright The Canadian Press

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Notre Feuille d'Activité

La date:_____________________ Nom:_____________________

Mes observations (Danger: Densité)

1. Penses-tu que la boule de pâte à modeler va:
(Encerclez l'image qui corresponde)

couler? ou flotter?

2. Ce que j'ai observé (dessinez):

3. Peux-tu changer la forme pour qu'elle flotte?

Dessine ta forme:

4. Ajoutes des personnes (billes). Combien de personnes peuvent embarquer avant que ta forme coule? ___________

Notre Déroulement de Classe

Le Déroulement (to understand Powerpoint slides)

Arran - (+/-) 2 minutes

-2e année
-Les ERIs et l'explication du raison d'être

Char - (+/-) 5 minutes Révision de la Densité
- Pendant la dernière classe - on a appris qu'en générale
les solides les plus denses coulent et les solides moins
denses flottent

- révision activité : flotte ou coule?
- pour cela on montre les images des objets et on
demand aux élèves si ça flotte ou coule2 - Question
Arran (+/-) 5 minutes Précautions
- Avant de commencer, il faut parler des précautions (safety rules/tips)

- slides : ne mangez pas la pâte à modeler, etc.
La feuille d'observation et les activités
- flottant ou coulant?

- Pouvez vous penser aux objets très larges et denses qui
peuvent flotter sur l'eau?
- maintenant changer la forme de la pâte à modeler

- Combien d'hommes (billes) peux-tu placer sur la
nouvelle forme avant qu'elle coule

- trombone
- pourquoi

Prochaine activité:
journal - ques ce que vous avez appris?

Notre Plan de Leçon

05 - 27 - 2009
Nom de leçon: DANGER: DENSITÉ!!
Niveau: 2e année
Sujet: Sciences
Preparé par: Arran Landry, Char Lohnes et Wendy Vuong
La raison d'être:

Les Buts: On s'attend à ce que l'étudiant soit capable de manipuler les solides à fin de comprendre que la forme d'un objet ET le matériel dont il est composé sont des importants déterminants vis à vis la flottabilité de cet objet.

La Connaissance (Selon la ERI p.6):
Les solides peuvent flotter ou couler dans des liquides selon leur masse volumique (densité) et leur forme.

Compétences et attitudes:
- Faire preuve de curiosité
- Mener des expériences simples en toute sécurité
- Observer et consigner des observations et des résultats expérimentaux
- Tirer des conclusions au sujet du monde réel à partir d’observations, de démonstrations et d’expériences.

Les Concepts
Que deux objets produits du même matériels peuvent réagir différemment dans l'eau dépendant de leurs formes: ceci est une fonction de la masse volumique de l'objet.

Les Thèmes
Les Résultats d'apprentissage prescrits
Sciences Physiques
Reconnaître les propriétés physiques des solides, liquides et gazes

Investiguer les interactions entre les
liquides et les solides
Méthode Scientifique
Interpréter des observations faites au moyen de ses 5 sens

Prévoir un événement ou le déroule-
ment d’un phénomène en se basant sur
ses observations

Le Vocabulaire:
Le volume
La densité
Les solides
Le seau
Se mouiller
Se garder au sec
Une billes
Un bateau

Les matériels:

* l'eau
* les billes
* des seaux ou d'autres contenants d'eau
* la pâte à modeler
* un ordinateur
* un projecteur
* des serviettes
* des feuilles d'observation

Les autres ressources :

* Des images sur PowerPoint

Le déroulement:


5 min
1. Révision de la dernière leçon: la densité des solides en relation à leurs interactions avec les liquides (vocabulaire; concepts déjà abordés antérieurement)
5 min
2. Exploration de la forme d'un solide, et sa relation avec la manière que le solide en question réagis quand placer sur l'eau.

Question #1: La boule de la pâte à modeler, va-t-elle flotter ou couler? Pourquoi?

5 min
3. Discussion
- Oui ça coule - Pourquoi? (Elle est dense en comparaison à la surface de l'eau: densité)

Question #2 :
Pouvez vous trouver une façon de modeler l'argile pour qu'elle flotte?

5 min
4. Discussion
- oui si on forme un .... bateau?..... le soilde flotte (forme) Pourquoi?

Preuve #2 : ajouter les marbres


La vérification:
(Pour que les élèves puissent bien comprendre les concepts)

1. Poser des questions aux élèves
2. Leurs entrés de journaux
3. Nous allons aussi circuler en classe pour vérifier que tout le monde à pu construire un objet flottant avec la pâte.

Notre PowerPoint: Densité 2e année


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

CROYABLE ou IN-croyable?

Professor warns of cellphone health hazards

27/05/2009 11:08:48 AM

A Columbia University professor is warning the public about the negative health effects of man-made electromagnetic fields, which come out of cellphones and power lines.

CTV.ca News Staff
Tanya Brunet talks on her cell phone as she waits for the bus in Ottawa Monday, March 2, 2009. (Tom Hanson / THE CANADIAN PRESS)
Tanya Brunet talks on her cell phone as she waits for the bus in Ottawa Monday, March 2, 2009. (Tom Hanson / THE CANADIAN PRESS)

Dr. Martin Blank, a professor with the school's Department of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics, compared the EMF waves to the ripples caused by dropping a pebble into a quiescent pond.

"The water doesn't move, it just carries the energy further and further out," Blank told CTV's Canada AM Wednesday.

"It's the same thing about these waves. These waves are generated in all kinds of charges that are present anywhere.

"When you get an electromagnetic field that's coming out of a power line, or it's coming out of a cellphone antenna or a cellphone tower it's going to do things to the molecules in our body."

Blank says EMFs in the environment may lead to brain tumours, Alzheimer's disease, dementia and breast cancer.

Blank, who is speaking in Toronto Wednesday on behalf of the BioInitiative Working Group, said past research has focused too much on the thermal effects of man-made EMFs.

"The heat is what everyone has focused on largely because that was an easy thing to measure," he said.

However, Blank said researchers are now able to measure biochemical changes.

"The biochemical changes occur long before there are changes in temperature," he said.

"That's why people who have focused on the thermal effects, which is the measure of the heat, have gotten the wrong answer."

He said researchers have concluded that there is no real harm because they haven't found any changes in temperature.

"That's not true, there's a lot of change going on there," Blank said.

"One of the changes we've found is the stress response. The cells themselves are telling us that they're in trouble."

In the "language of the cells," they start to make new proteins that they haven't made before and that they only make when they're in trouble.

"These stress proteins are made with all these different electromagnetic fields (EMF)," he said.

"They're made with power line EMFs, they're made with cellphone EMFs and there a clear indication that the cell senses this stuff as potentially harmful."

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Saturday, May 16, 2009

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